Endowed Scholarships
Since 1965, hundreds of students have benefited from the close to $1.8 million from the CVBIA Scholarship Foundation thanks to our generous Scholarship House builders, as well as to the industry leaders listed below who have personally made significant contributions.
Lee A. Gifford
Lee A. Gifford was born in Poland and immigrated to the United States with his family as a young boy.
His name is synonymous with Haygood, which is one of the areas that he developed in Virginia Beach.
Upon his death in 1997, he made provisions to establish the first endowed scholarship at TBA.
Richard D. Guy
Richard D. Guy practiced law for 60 years before retiring in 2016.
He devoted countless hours over several decades to Tidewater Builders Association as its General Counsel, a position he held until 2001.
Upon his retirement, a group of past presidents created a TBA Scholarship in his honor.
William J. Hearring
William J. Hearring was born and raised in South Hampton Roads. He graduated from Princess Anne High School and Virginia Tech.
He began his career teaching and later entered the banking profession before establishing Hearndon Construction in Chesapeake.
William was known for his generosity and community spirit.
Richard E. Olivieri
Richard’s generosity – to TBA, his church and many local charitable organizations – is well known and to honor his generous spirit, his longtime business partner and friend, Fred Napolitano Sr., started this Scholarship.
Channing A. Pfeiffer
Channing Pfeiffer led the Tidewater Builders Association for more than 36 years. Upon his retirement, a group of TBA past presidents created a TBA Scholarship in his honor.
Howard M. and Nancye C. Weisberg
Howard M. and Nancye C. Weisberg have retired to Naples, Fla.
Before retiring, Howard helped found the TBA Scholarship Foundation in 1965, built the first scholarship house and funded the first scholarship apartment.
He also helped to establish Clark Whitehill Enterprises in Virginia Beach, which is now operated by his son Michael Newsome.